Helping your inner child and ego layers feel safe in relation to birth family biases!
Does your inner child and ego go loopy with birth family communications?
Quite often our inner child and ego layers jump into defense mode when we find ourselves needing to communicate with our birth families.
As far as our ego is concerned,
... history has shown us to date that they (our birth family) do not view life with the same magnitude of frequency and energy that we experience,
... and thus often cause misunderstandings in our communications.
By reading this beautiful light-coded transmission we offer your inner child healing for old wounds and your ego layers some respite from the fight.
As you strive to be seen, and heard by your birth family there is an inner need to go back into the fire with the hope of acceptance.
Holding onto a romantic vision that if only they could see you for how you see yourself it will be different from this time.
Jumping back into the family fire to be seen and heard is led by our ego, and searching for love and acceptance,
... that we so rightfully deserve is driven by our inner child.
We offer you comfort within your own skin with all the beauty that you are!
Surrounding you with magical love for your inner child, and helping you create an inner knowing and resilience for your ego-mind to settle.
So tuning in with your breath, finding some resonance with how you feel in your body, feeling your feet on the ground.
Helping you to feel whole again.
Bring in awareness of gossamer threads of the magical beings healing us, healing our energetic wounds, so to speak.
There we go...
Imagine that you have a beautiful gossamer coat of amour above and around you.
Softly resting on your bodysuit, is a magical coat of frequency from whatever beings that you connect with.
Helping you feel joyful and light,
Allow this feeling of light to come over your body suit.
Quietening down your ego,
... softening down the adrenals and your gut,
... and creating a loving space for your inner child.
When you link up your inner child, with your solar plexus, and your diaphragm.
Your inner child is like your inner voice, when you feel hurt she or he can get a little bit stroppy,
... and this feeling responds throughout your energetic light body and physical structures.
Then your ego comes in and protects you and before you know it you've got a new story happening,
... that links into and feeds off your previous family experiences.
We're wanting you to come back from the story and into your body,
... this creates a space for the ego to shush so that we can then get a clear awareness of our energetics.
Moving further away from the story with the other person, seeing this story held within an energetic frequency.
(a response - a story relating to a negative family interaction creates an energetic frequency, this can be seen and held in energy form).
Remember you're tougher than you think!
We are all so much tougher than we think!
So let's release the sense of being attacked by releasing the other frequency!
If you imagine/vision a sack of blackness to give a shape for our mind to view this frequency as, and an energy form for the story to sit within,
... which is now away from you, you are in your space and the frequency is at a distance from you.
So there it is, you are getting a vision for this frequency (story), and it is now out and away from you and sealed.
You are here, you are light, you're in your body suit and you have this beautiful glistening coat of armor upon your skin.
There's a distance from the frequency that was activating your inner child, which was not welcome,
... now your inner child has space to settle so he/she can quieten down.
When we consciously relax our body, our diaphragm relaxes dropping down and our vagus nerve releases engaging our calming centers,
... and our inner child receives more space to find comfort as our gut also relaxes.
Carrying a duel awareness; we're going to do both our awareness and the awareness of the frequency that we are disconnecting from,
... so we can be ourselves and resonate new clean clear and aligned frequency.
We can't do anything with their frequency anyway, that is their story, that's their messaging system,
... and their whole life experience has laid this foundation for them.
No matter our relationship; mother/daughter, sister/sister, father/son and so on this is their story.
It is up to you to choose whether you are affected by another's frequency or not.
By practicing regular energetic attunements to maintain and develop your inner resourcefulness,
... you can reset imprinted or learned beliefs,
.... and come back into your body and center yourself.
It's really so easy to be thrown off by others, family, or otherwise.
Society says maintaining relationships with our family is important, but this is not so for all of us,
... some relationships can be detrimental to our mental well-being.
For me I find there's no point curling up into a ball and crying, I don't really feel like I want to do that.
I want to resource myself with the many resources I have available to me to find the strength to come back home.
Choose to create space,
... come back home into your body, and
... expand outwardly,
... reinforce conscious knowing you have resources within yourself, and
... within your expanded vibrational frequencies and energies.
Quantum living is experiencing life with all of what you are and have access to.
No one has a green light to enter your frequency without your accepting that this is okay to do so - and in this case, it's not!
By taking up your own energetic space within your bodysuit there's no space for another frequency to be!
For this, to happen you need to be here and grounded within!
Sealing up your pod of light,
... taking charge of your space,
... receiving help with this with the gossamer coat of armor resting upon your bodysuit.
... imagine this gossamer coat like the magical scales of a dragon shifting and moving on your skin suit,
... a beautiful blanket of light-coded frequency enriched with healing properties,
... softening you,
... reminding you that you are Source Energy.
Gently allow yourself to resolve into the protection and comfort of your cosmic team to receive what you need right now!
Just like you previously experienced by dropping down and coming into your bodysuit,
... your diaphragm came into awareness, and then your vagus nerve, and then your creative centers with our solar plexus,
... the inner child could take up a little bit more space and by also doing so your ego mind could quieten down.
The inner child and ego layers tend to activate in tandem feeding off each other reactively.
So if you can give them their space within your bodysuit and your light field to feel safe then they're less likely to take charge with your emotional centers.
You are OK you’ve got this!
You are grounded within your bodysuit.
Your bodysuit is the vessel that your mind-body light is housed within.
Creating space and the direction for how you're going to experience your own energetics and somebody else's frequency,
... and in this case, you are taking up space so that no other frequency can come into your home (body-energetic field).
Take a breath, come in through the brow, down through the body, and release, expanding outwardly through your legs and feet, your arms and hands.
Confidently take up space within yourself,
... know that this other frequency that you've had the storyline with is outside of your field.
Now, you're going to feel threads of frequency trying to get in, but they're not getting in because,
... you are in your space!
It's a matter of you consciously knowing you are in your bodysuit and feeling confident within yourself that you've got yourself.
So, within this space in your body,
... be seated with awareness of your spine and neck stacking on your pelvis with your back supported,
... your feet are at a good place on the ground under your knees, and
... your knees are good shoulder width apart,
... your hands are palm up, resting on your knees.
Feel aligned and comfortable in your seat, like you’re confident, so therefore you are!
Stay with the breath in through the nose, the brow, into your cranium, and the spinal column,
... flushing your nervous system,
... calming the neurological messages flushing your nerves as they flow out from your spine and into your body suit.
Feel confidently positioned to activate your nervous system with new messages, ... you are taking charge,
... you are confident within your bodysuit, and
... you have got yourself!
Now when you tune in with your primal gut and aspect of self, that gets a little like, oh my Gosh, I don't wanna do this... it's actually quite relaxed,
... it's like, no, we are not telling that story anymore,
... we know you've got us,
... we know you're taking care of us,
... your light is now activated and taking care of your person.
(You experience new information through your whole body, so your body is your mind, therefore it is your body-mind that sends information to the brain first, then the brain interprets this information by linking it to previous experiences, and then it sends it back to your body by initiating reflexes. In between all this messaging the inner child ego can get, aargh, and create another story to play with, but it doesn't need to.)
We have provided your inner child and ego with space, you are now in your space, you are open, your frontline and chest are open, your primal gut aspect is awakened and you are strong and sure.
You've got yourself!
Tuning in with this bodysuit, gossamer-like coat of armor, the dragon scales or mermaid scales, as Maris is saying, all my beings are coming in to give you some love.
The gossamer threads/scales are dissolving through your bodysuit into your vessel to activate the light codes within your being.
At the same time, tune in with your energetic field and notice it is no longer close to you,
... it's moving away giving you more space to move with you centered within it.
You have a beautiful ring of light around your whole being with you centered within it.
This field of light is bold and strong, it is all-knowing, and all of you,
... now your crown is opening and starting to activate, you can sense this.
(It is spiritually known that you receive information in with your crown, actually, we are light beings so we receive in with every part of our bodysuit, not just our crown).
When you tune into universal connection through the chakra system, your crown opens, and your being vessel of light opens to receive.
So if you look at the receiving of cosmic information as an hourglass,
... the information comes in and it goes through the timer, the center bit,
... and then it comes out at the bottom, your root grounding through into the circle of life flow of energy, Gaia.
Our head, throat, neck area, our upper chakras can be a bit like the neck of the hourglass funneling it, and if we are not grounded within our bodysuit,
... we are slightly limited and can be held up in the universal clouds so-to-speak,
... never truly grounding information through for you to shift vibrations, and
... limiting your ability to embody it in your life experience.
But when you are grounded in your bodysuit you are in your energetic field, and your vessel is actually all of you opening up to receive!
Grounding with your feet and your lower legs into Gaia,
... your vessel is big
... you are receiving all this beautiful, light-coded, cosmic information from your team
... from your guides, from your spiritual guides, from your connections that you see
Whether it's magical, mystical, archangels, the star councils, or the galactic beings.
Quantum living in your bodysuit, is being grounded with Gaia as a being of nature connected to all universal source energy.
Walking with all this information we are in this space of active awareness grounded within our frequency,
... so, how big do you feel right now?
Your space is massive, you are filling up the room!
Now that you are grounded within your vessel, gently test how you react by tuning into the other outside-like energetic frequency,
… notice how small their frequency feels compared to your massiveness?
This is all about practicing where you're at in relation to your energetics and another energetic frequency.
It's practicing tuning in with your inner knowing and being consciously aware that you've got yourself!
You are more than how your birth family views you.
Experiencing a whole life to create you as your creative energy, as your person, as your life story to date.
Which is not dictated by your family speaking to you as an adult or even a teenager or even a child.
You are constantly making decisions about how you are going to live your life,
... you are a decent human being
... living your life as best you can
... the best version you can be
We may have been born into families that don't get us, don't understand us, and continuously say things to hurt us, but that's their story.
That's their view of us dictated by how they are incarnated into themselves and how they've chosen to live their life - But they don't get to dictate the value of you or how to live your life.
You get to decide that!
When you are within your body and big within your field - their frequency gets smaller.
It's just energetics!
We can go through these tumultuous moments when we have to deal with our family and it's so stressful and it's not the place we want to be.
But sometimes we have to be there with our family for certain events in life.
So, set up strategies to practice the ability to stay within your own field standing strong within your inner knowing,
... practice with this energetic activation that you experienced here with my team or watch this YouTube video HERE.
... where you get to remember who you are, not who you are by somebody else’s version!
It is, who we are to ourselves, which is most important!
Who we are to ourselves and how it is we are choosing to live our life!
Remember, you are so loved!
Recognizing that gurgling in your stomach as you relax down, as the vagus nerve relaxes down,
... the peristalsis starts gurgling, and relaxation happens within our bodysuit, activating our parasympathetic.
Taking a breath in through the nose,
... bringing that breath in through the brow
... around the cranium
... through the brain stem
... down the body through the light of your spinal column, and
... outwardly into your nervous system
... filling out your bodysuit completely.
Now when you do it this time,
... go through the visualization with an awareness of knowing you've been here before, and you're familiar with this sensation throughout your body!
It's taking time to be with yourself when you've got to a state of presence within,
... to recognize what this feels like so that you can find your way back here quickly.
Tune back into this activation and let my team and I energetically accompany you with love and light, and joy.
You're not alone with families who don't get you.
Let them have their story, you know when to come away too, come back into your bodysuit, and recalibrate your energetics.
That will give you enough time to feel safe within yourself so that your inner child finds comfort and your ego mind can shush.
Fill up your bodysuit with awareness as your vessel of light and crown opens up, grounding into Gaia with your feet.
Feeling into this now - Oh yeah!
Good to be home!
To be in your bodysuit!
Aware of this massive energetic space you are now taking up!
Play with the awareness of the distance between you and your energetic field of light,
... noticing how big it is and that it is all filled up with your frequency and your creative energy.
Give your body a wee rub, rub your hands together and give yourself a big hug.
Wow. I feel big and bold. I hope you do too.
All our Love,
x Vicki & Team
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Hey, I’m Vicki, a multi-dimensional light channel and quantum creator, I write about body awareness and awakened spiritual practices to help you live a wholesome life.
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